I was born in Los Angeles in 1970. My parents sold the house when I was five and we moved to rural southern Oregon, living in a small trailer my dad towed behind his Dodge Powerwagon. I loved it. I was always getting filthy outside, rolling in poison oak, catching crawdads in the Applegate River, playing with my dog, bugs and slugs and, most importantly, riding my bike. I still ride bikes. I did that at a “close to pro level” for years as well. I chose to experience some hard stuff in this lifetime. I don’t let it identify me, but it absolutely informs my perspective – and I try to use it to help me behave as an inspiring and compassionate person who values True connection with others – both in my day to day dealings with gas station clerks and fellow drivers on the road, and also as a creative mentor. I’m sober. I’m vegan. I love animals and I’m a dedicated practitioner of non-dual spirituality. I presently own a home in the Barrio Viejo of Tucson Arizona after a full-time nomadic chapter, after 16 years near Boulder Colorado, after 3.5 in Miami Florida, after 7 years in San Francisco, after 5 years in Portland, Oregon and 15 years before that as a kid in the sticks. Math! What about professionally? The short story is I studied journalism at the University of Oregon, graduating as their “copywriter of the year” in 1992, then flailed around in Portland trying to get in at Wieden & Kennedy. I finally moved to San Francisco in 1996, and things started taking off. But it wasn’t until 2002 before I got my break, moving to Miami to join what became “agency of the decade” in the 2000s – Crispin Porter + Bogusky. Initially hired as a senior copywriter, I climbed to Creative Director on all the bike accounts (Bell, Giro, Shimano) as well as Truth, Best Buy and Domino’s. I left in 2009 to co-found and CCO the “world’s first creative (ad) agency built on crowdsourcing principles,” which was acquired by a major holding company in just three years (it was during this time that I realized the power of tech-tools to do our jobs, building our own proprietary platform. Today, I’m all about AI.) I then went back to CP+B, brought in as their first-ever VP/Executive Director of Creative Development. It was during this stint that I discovered and honed my skills and passion for mentoring creatives, and loved it. I did that until 2015, at which time I pretty much hit pause on trying to be a baller in the industry, focused on racing bikes, then focused on inner peace and wellness. Today, I prefer to build creative for initiatives that help us realize our potential to be kind (and the good news is so many things have that potential). I freelance/consult as a writer, creative director and brand collaborator, am a certified (non-preachy) vegan educator and offer that free creative mentorship (as I mentioned above). Want to say hi? I can be reached at evan@evanfry.com | back
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